Station 1 is located in the San José de Saramuro village (Urarinas district, Loreto province and region), on the banks of the Marañón River, about 200 kilometers southeast of Iquitos. It began operating at the end of 1976, when it received crude from the PETROPERÚ fields. From this point the crude is pumped, crossing the Amazon rainforest, along the Marañón River, to Station 5.
The Andoas Station is located in the Andoas village, district of the same name (Datem del Marañón province, Loreto region), it began operating on February 24, 1978. From this point on, the pipeline continues in a westerly direction, crossing the Pastaza, Huazaga and Huituyacu rivers, where it changes direction to the southwest, until the Morona river crossing.
Morona Station is located in the Fernando Rosas farmhouse (Morona district, Datem del Marañón province, Loreto region), at kilometer 166 of the ORN. From this point, in a southwesterly direction, the Pipeline crosses the Marañón River and continues, through flat and dry terrain, until the crossing of the Saramiriza River, until it reaches Station 5.
Station 5 is located in the Félix Flores farmhouse (Manseriche district, Datem del Marañón province, Loreto region), at kilometer 306 of the ONP. It is the point of confluence of Tramo 1 with the North Branch. From this place the ONP continues in a southwesterly direction to Station 6, located sub-parallel, crossing at various points the road that connects the town of Saramiriza with the city of Bagua.
Station 6 is located in the vicinity of the Kuzu Grande hamlet (Imaza district, Bagua province, Amazonas region), at kilometer 418 of the ONP. From this point the southwest direction is maintained until Station 7.
Station 7 is located near the El Valor village (El Milagro district, Utcubamba province, Amazonas region), at kilometer 518 of the ONP. From this point, and in the same southwesterly direction, the pipeline crosses the Marañón River, at kilometer 527, continuing through a series of hills until kilometer 544. From this progressive, the line is located adjacent to the Fernando Belaunde Terry highway, located on the left bank of the Chamaya river up to kilometer 565, where it crosses this river and continues to be located adjacent to an affirmed highway until kilometer 588 (hamlet of Nivintos-Puente Chamaya 1), where it crosses the same river to the opposite bank, which crosses again to the opposite bank (left) at kilometer 592 until it reaches Station 8.
Station 8 is located in the hamlet of Pucará, district of the same name (province of Jaén, Amazonas region), at kilometer 593 of the ONP. From this point, the ONP is located close to the FBT highway located on the left bank of the Chamaya river until kilometer 595, where it crosses this river, continuing on the right bank of the channel until kilometer 600, where it progressively crosses the confluence of the Chotano and Huancabamba rivers, continuing along the left bank and in the flood channel of this last river until kilometer 603-604, where it crosses the FBT highway. At kilometer 607 it is located in the urban area of the Pucará district, from this progressive line the ONP line is located close to the axis of the FBT highway. From kilometer 636 to 641 it is adjacent to the reservoir of the Limón Dam of the Olmos Irrigation Project, continuing until the last pumping station.
Station 9 is located in the district of Huarmaca (Huancabamba province, Piura region), at kilometer 649 of the ONP. From this point, the ONP is located in the riverbed of the Huancabamba river and its tributary Hualapampa up to kilometer 661. From there he begins his ascent to the Porculla pass of the western Andes mountain range, located at kilometer 671 of the ONP, which is the highest point (2390 meters above sea level). From the Porculla pass, the ONP descends to the Olmos pampas, continues in the Sechura desert, culminating in the buried pipeline at the Bayóvar Terminal.
The Bayóvar Terminal is located in Punta Bappo (Sechura province, Piura region), at kilometer 856 of the ONP. The Bayóvar Terminal received the first crude front on May 24, 1977.